Saturday, July 26, 2008

hey, remember when you told san diego we sucked at conversation?

Hey y'all, check out our vlog! We just had a little chat about the Wolf Parade show on July 20 at Canes in San Diego, their new album and some hypothetical interview questions to show that we are insightful, intrepid journalist types. Also, we had to make a video so we wouldn't have to face off at the roller derby for the right to write about Wolf Parade.

One thing that we didn't really cover without mumbling a lot or talking shit on our bosses was the fact that Spencer played the show sick. He took a little break in the middle. Dan tried to distract us by talking about The Big Lebowski or something but it was pretty clear that he ran away to hurl because when he came back he said he wasn't feeling good. We were really impressed by the dedication that showed to his fans. Working when you're sick sucks. His job is at least ten times better than mine, but I bet it still sucks when he's sick. We appreciated it and we would have liked to know his symptoms so we could look them up on web md. Wouldn't want anything serious to go unmisdiagnosed.


Anonymous said...

Youse guyz is da best video persons eva!!!!!!
Moe video's pleeese cause they mak my face smiels!!!!

megan elizabeth said...

@Steven Seagal

Thanks sir! We are huge fans of your "work" and your approval means a lot to us.

Your Maugham said...

Meg, you look like a bandit with that scarf. A blogger-bandit.

You could probably rename the blog "spencerkrugponykrugclubponypony". It's pretty apt.

Anonymous said...

Whats dew you men work? Its you're work that is the besssestt. Moe videos now!!! Pony gurls are da best!!!!!

megan elizabeth said...

@your maugham

Guess what? I've got a fever. And the only cure is more Krug.